Ultrafabrics Sustainability

As Japan’s Prime Minister announced that the country will be fully carbon neutral by 2050, Ultrafabrics have taken several steps to reduce their own emissions in their home country. This includes sourcing primary raw materials from local sources to reduce transportation emissions, using heat exhaust to power their machines, and installing a 176kw solar panel system to cover the energy requirement of their warehouse.

Ultrafabrics recognises that safer chemistry is incredibly important in the future of the textiles industry as using harmful chemicals can cause safety and health issues for humans and for our environment. 98% of the solvents that they use in manufacturing are recovered and recycled whilst their Japanese mill follows the ISO 14001 framework, the internationally recognised standard for environmental management systems.

They have worked with Treedom to plant 600 trees across 6 countries which will purify air and capture carbon but also contribute to local biodiversity and economy.

They also understand that wastewater pollution is a key environmental and public health concern for textile manufacturing. They’ve put strict water quality control in place and developed a new water reduction target to guide their future decisions about their water usage.

They now have a wastewater recycling program which has already resulted in a 5-10% reduction in freshwater consumption. By 2025 they aim to have a water use reduction of 20% overall.