Gordie Mutch Racing

John Clark Motor Group is proud to continue to sponsor Gordie Mutch and his racing career. He started off karting, which was when we joined him as a sponsor, and has seen him compete across a variety of divisions with great success. He now joins the Paddock Motorsport Team to compete in the GT Cup Championship.

Our Company Values
Our Company Values
passion We are committed in everything we do and take pride in our roles knowing that we are always striving to be the best we can be with the goal of being leaders in our industry.
Responsible We care about what we do, our colleagues and our customers: while being accountable for our actions, learning from our mistakes, and most importantly recognising and celebrating success.
integrity We are honest and work hard as a team to uphold the high standards that help us to achieve an exceptional customer experience in a positive working environment.
dependable We ensure our colleagues and customers have confidence in us and that we always do what we said we would do. We deliver on our promises. We are trustworthy. We are transparent.
enterprising We encourage ourselves and our colleagues to show initiative, pursue growth and change to develop personally and improve the business.