MG Servicing and Parts | Perth & Dundee

MG Garage in Perth & Dundee

Service and maintenance work is an essential part of your MG car's life and ensures the quality and the safety of your vehicle over time. Bringing your car to an approved MG service centre and you will be assured that your car will receive the best possible care from our trained MG technicians who only use genuine MG parts.

As an approved MG dealer we cater to all MG models, both new MG vehicles and used MG vehicles, so whether you have an MG ZS, MG 3, MG HS, or an MG4 EV you know that it will be receiving an MG manufacturer service of the highest quality.

Our technicians have undertaken extensive training to make sure that they meet the highest standards of our MG customers and will be able to cater to your car's regular service intervals, fit genuine MG parts, answer questions about MG assistance, and discuss your MG vehicle's warranty. We offer competitive prices and a full online booking service to make your MG service experience as smooth as possible.

For more information about any of the MG manufacturer service options that we offer, please contact John Clark MG Perth or Dundee today.