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Range Rover Evoque D165 S Manual
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £373.04 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,238.24 |
Range Rover Evoque D165 S Auto
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £429.20 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,575.20 |
Range Rover Evoque D200 S Auto
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £435.46 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,612.76 |
Range Rover Evoque D200 Dynamic SE Auto
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £470.22 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,821.32 |
Range Rover Evoque D200 Dynamic HSE Auto
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £493.00 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,958.00 |
Range Rover Evoque D200 Autobiography Auto
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £546.44 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £3,278.64 |
Range Rover Evoque P200 S
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £489.82 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileag | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,938.92 |
Range Rover Evoque P200 Dynamic SE
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £501.38 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £3,008.28 |
Range Rover Evoque P250 R Dynamic SE
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £509.14 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £3,054.84 |
Range Rover Evoque P250 Autobiography
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £568.72 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £3,412.32 |
Range Rover Evoque P300e S*
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £460.63 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,763.78 |
*Offer Includes Complimentary Home Charger
Range Rover Evoque P300e R Dynamic SE*
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £492.96 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £2,957.76 |
*Offer Includes Complimentary Home Charger
Range Rover Evoque P300e Autobiography*
48 Monthly Payments excl VAT | £540.00 |
Term of Agreement | 48 |
Contract Mileage | 10000 |
Initial Rental excl VAT | £3,240.00 |
*Offer Includes Complimentary Home Charger
To be eligible, orders must be placed between 15.03.24 and 30.06.24. The promotion is exclusive to Jaguar Contract Hire & Land Rover Contract Hire transacted directly by Jaguar and Land Rover Retailers. Eligible nameplates for this offer are all Jaguar and Land Rover EV and PHEV models. If the client wishes to take up the 7KW home charger and standard installation offer, the Retailer requires them to sign a client consent agreement which gives Jaguar Contract Hire & Land Rover Contract Hire permission / consent to share limited data with PodPoint: name, phone number, email address, vehicle make, model and what to do if the client changes their mind and wishes to opt out. On completion, the Retailer will email either a pdf copy of a printed (not handwritten) client consent agreement, or an electronically signed and scanned client consent agreement, to the Jaguar Contract Hire & Land Rover Contract Hire Internal Support team to be categorised and logged. The email subject box must contain “Charger offer consent form for driver name, model of vehicle”. The Retailer will then destroy the client consent agreement via their confidential waste. At the start of the week after the client consent agreements are received, Jaguar Contract Hire and Land Rover Contract Hire will review qualifying orders and client consent agreements to ensure they are eligible before sending securely to PodPoint. PodPoint will email the client within 2 working days from receipt of the client consent agreement, with a unique link which once accessed, presents the client with details of the 7KW home charger and standard installation offer. If the client changes their mind, they can follow the details set out in the client consent agreement to remove permission and their access to the offer. If the client wishes to add additional items to the order e.g. a cable bag or if the installation goes beyond standard installation, they’ll be presented with the additional costs to do so. Once finalised at checkout the client can arrange to pay PodPoint direct for these additional items. The client will then need to sign up to the PodPoint terms & conditions. These terms and conditions for the supply and installation of the home charger are between PodPoint and the client. Jaguar Contract Hire and Land Rover Contract Hire are not supplying the home charger nor do they have any responsibility or liability for its installation or performance. PodPoint will arrange a convenient date for installation at the client’s home address. Signed consent forms must be received by 31st July 2024. Process flow – 1. The client selects a qualifying car on Contract Hire. 2. The client is offered the choice of the free home charger or lower monthly rental. 3. If the client chooses the charger, the Retailer submits the consent form; if they select the lower monthly rental the Retailer ads the support to the quotation and the client sees the lower monthly rental on the order (client signs to confirm they have received reduced rental). 4. Either PodPoint submits the invoice to Jaguar Contract Hire / Land Rover Contract Hire or the Retailer submit the client confirmation form so it can be logged by Jaguar Contract Hire / Land Rover Contract Hire. The Retailer then submits an invoice to Jaguar Contract Hire / Land Rover Contract Hire once the vehicle has been delivered monthly in arrears for all qualifying vehicles in the previous month. * “Standard installation” means installation and unit commissioning by a PodPoint engineer whereby the EV charge point is on a brick or plaster wall, with up to 15 meters of cabling run through a single wall of up to half a metre thickness and the cable is clipped flush to the wall at a height of 6ft. Installation covers the majority of homes in the UK.