Clark Commercials have joined forces with adventure cyclist Mark Beaumont and his quest to cycle Around the world in 80 days by supplying himself and his team a Volkwagen Transporter, for the warm up fifteen day 3,500 mile tour Around Britain.

Mark starts his warm up tour on Tuesday 4th April in London and will cycle around the 3,500 mile british coastline passing the three Clark Commercials dealerships in Aberdeen, Dundee and Edinburgh along the way. Each day he plans to cover 240 miles, the pace that he will need to keep to cover the 18,000 miles in his Around the world in 80 days record attempt.

The main challenge starts in Paris on July 2nd and if successful he will take 43 days off the current record set by former olympian speedskater Andrew Nicholson of New Zealand.

“This journey around the World is the culmination of everything I have practiced and built in the past twenty years. I believe that it’s possible to get around the World in 80 Days by manpower, but this is a leap in performance and a step into the unknown.”

To follow mark's progress on his Around Britain and Around the world record attempt visit