Stay Safe With Our Dacia Tyre Safety ​

Staying safe on the road is one of the most important parts of driving. We all can be very aware of what’s going on and even pick up some tips on how to stay safe in bad weather. But staying safe can all start with healthy and correct Dacia tyres.

Dacia Tyre Depth and You

Tyre depth is very important when you’re driving your Dacia. The legal tread-depth limit is 1.6mm across the middle of 75% of the tyre at any point.When they reach this stage, they should be changed immediately. This avoids any potential incidents in the future. Although the law does state that there should be a minimum of 1.6mm we would recommend getting your Dacia tyres changes at 3mm. This keeps your drive comfortable and your car safe especially when it’s wet and icy outside.

Dacia Tyre Ageing

Dacia tyres do need changed regularly but cars which haven’t seen much love for a while might have deteriorated with time. It is recommended that Dacia tyres should be checked before going out on the road again. We have some top points to spot when a tyre is needed a change:

  • Vibration through tyre while driving
  • Tyre wall cracking
  • Distortion of the tread
  • Deformity of tyre body
  • Tyres fitted as spare wheels
  • Tyres used on caravans and trailers
  • Tyres left in garage for several years
  • Tyres on old and unused cars
  • Tyres used in coastal areas (due to amount of sale)
  • Tyres that have incorrect cleaning products used on them

Ageing tyres should be removed immediately and changed for new ones. Any tyres that you have had for six year or more should not be used as these would now not be in fit condition for the road. The manufacturer is helpful when it comes to tyre safety, there will always state the date on them. This ensures you are aware of the age and you can feel confident in driving. Several reason why tyres deteriorate, some of which can be found here:

  • Tyres fitted as spare wheels
  • Tyres used on caravans and trailers
  • Tyres left in garage for several years
  • Tyres on old and unused cars
  • Tyres used in coastal areas (due to amount of sale)
  • Tyres that have incorrect cleaning products used on them

Next Step

If you’re reading this and worrying that your tyres have some of those tell-tale signs, then worry not. At specialist Cars Dacia we have tyre servicing available to keep your tyres healthy.