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As the winter season approaches, ensure your car is ready to handle the challenges of colder weather with our comprehensive Winter Health Check. At Specialist Cars SEAT we prioritise your safety and peace of mind.
Car batteries can deteriorate if your vehicle has been left out in the cold or sitting idle. It’s worth checking that everything’s still top-notch during the winter months which put even more strain on your car. We’ll perform a visual health check including checking your battery, tyres, and the overall condition of the car.
Get your SEAT ready with our Winter Health check for just £24.99.
At Specialist Cars SEAT we want to ensure that your car is safe to drive as winter temperatures take hold and seasonal road conditions are upon us. Now is the perfect time to prepare your car for the harsh road conditions that can affect your car's ability to be safe.
We have appointments available for you to book your car's Winter Health Check.
Book your car in for a Winter Health Check and be ready to hit the road this winter or when the time comes. A list of items covered under our Winter Health Check are detailed below.
For £24.99 you will receive:
Your Vehicle Health Check will include one of our manufacturer trained technicians checking your vehicle using video to capture the inspection. Your Service Advisor will then take you through a report of the results which is a very easy to understand traffic light system. GREEN means no service or maintenance is required, AMBER means work is advisory or may need attention soon, and RED highlights work that requires immediate attention. We look forward to welcoming you for a £24.99 Winter Health Check here at Specialist Cars SEAT Aberdeen & Dundee. |