Motability Adaptations and Conversions

What Are Motability Adaptations?

Motability adaptations are features that can be added to a car or wheelchair accessible vehicle to make it easier for you to continue to drive if you have a condition that can make it difficult with standard controls.

This could be arthritis that means you have limited mobility in your hands or makes it difficult for you to get in and out of your vehicle or could be an electronic accelerator if you have limited mobility in your legs. Adaptations allow you to continue to drive your own vehicle for yourself and keep your independence.

Our experienced Motability team will be available to discuss your exact needs and identify the right adaptations available to suit your individual circumstances. These suitable adaptations are dealt with as part of your Motability order so we take care of everything and you just have to pick up the keys.

​What Adaptations Are Possible?

There are several changes that you can make to a Mobility car, and these include:

  • Adaptations to help you drive
  • Adaptations to help you get in and out of the vehicle
  • Adaptations to help you store equipment

Many of these adaptations are fitted alongside standard controls, so other drivers can use the car as easily as you can. However not all adaptations fit every vehicle so its recommended that you talk to an adaptations installer before you look for a new vehicle, to make sure you are looking at the right vehicles for you.

Motability Logo

Adaptations to Help You Drive

This covers any adaptation that makes it easier for you to physically drive the car. These can vary from simple attachments to replacing all of the existing controls with a system that is designed especially for your needs. Most of the time the standards controls can also still be used, allowing other drivers to use your car with ease too.

Most of the driving adaptations available will require an automatic transmission and you will also need to make sure that you are still able to fully control the vehicle safely whilst using them and comply with any specific licence codes on your driving licence.

Examples of adaptations for driving include:

  • Push-pull hand controls
  • Left-foot accelerator
  • Electronic accelerator
  • Pedal extensions
  • Steering aids, such as a steering wheel ball
  • Signalling aids

Adaptations to Help You Get In and Out

This covers any adaptation that helps you purely for getting in and out of your vehicle and are also called access adaptations. These allow for easier access to the driver seat or passenger seat for front or rear passengers. It could also be an alternative to opting for a wheelchair accessible vehicle.

Examples of adaptations for access include:

  • Swivel seats
  • Transfer plates
  • Electric person hoist
lady in a wheelchair getting helped into her vehicle
motability customer in a wheelchair getting into his vehicle

Adaptations to Help You Store Equipment

Stowage adaptations make it easier to lift a wheelchair or scooter into the car and are usually remote control devices that take the weight of the mobility equipment and guide it into either the car boot or a rooftop stowage unit.

Examples of stowage adaptations include:

  • Car boot hoist
  • Rooftop stowage

John Clark Motor Group: Motability Dealer in Scotland

To find out more about Motability adaptations, the Motability scheme, and how we can modify your car based on your specific needs, contact John Clark Motability today. Our Motability Specialists will be able to discuss adaptation prices, automatic vehicles, complex adaptations you need, and any other advice when ordering a Motability vehicle.