Order VW Tyres


Tyre maintenance is an important part of keeping your Volkswagen operating at its best. Not only do tyres in good condition make your journey safer, they also help to maintain fuel efficiency. The minimum tread-depth limit for your tyres is 1.6mm, and if they're nearing that limit, it's essential to replace them.

Based on a tyre study from Michelin, this matrix provides a guide to when tyres will need replacing. Obviously this is dependent on mileage and driving style. All tread depth/mileage combinations inside the red line indicate that it takes less than 3 months for the tyres to become illegal so it might be more convenient to get tyres changed whilst already at the retailer, rather than book a subsequent appointment. Click on the following front tyre remaining life matrix button to find out when you should think of changing yours.Volkswagen UK recommended tyre tread

With John Clark Volkswagen, you can now order Volkswagen tyres online quickly and easily, thanks to our four-step form. Either fill in your registration details or search for tyres by size, then select your preferences and we'll make recommendations for your vehicle. Simply choose the tyres you want and order them online – it couldn't be easier!

For more information, contact your nearest John Clark Volkswagen dealer on the numbers below:

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