VW Accident Repair

At John Clark Volkswagen we want to ensure that in the unfortunate event of an accident, no matter how small, your Volkswagen is repaired to Volkswagen standards, by a Volkswagen Accident Specialist using only Volkswagen approved repair techniques and tools.

Insurance claims - it's your choice

In the event of an accident, your insurance company may try to send you to one of their insurance approved shops, where they may not use genuine repair methods. However, you have a choice where your vehicle is repaired, so why not choose the experts trained by John Clark Volkswagen? Ask your insurer to have your Volkswagen repaired at one of our approved Accident Specialists - It’s your choice.


At each of our body shops, our manufacturer-trained repairers only use genuine parts and paint to ensure that your Volkswagen is returned to you in the best possible condition. If you purchased your Volkswagen from us then you can also benefit from a free equivalent temporary replacement vehicle while we work on your car.

Remember it is your decision which repairer you want to use, not your insurers.

Your insurer could send you to a non-manufacturer approved repairer, which could affect the terms of your paint and body warranty. Choose us, and rest assured that your Volkswagen will be restored to the highest standards.

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