Audi Air conditioning service | At Aberdeen & Dundee Audi

Book your Audi in today for its Air Con Service, now only £99!

To keep the conditions perfect inside your Audi, we recommend having an air conditioning service every two years – including a gas top-up and detailed inspection. Between services, we can also carry out an air conditioning refresh: an ultrasonic treatment that clears microbial, fungal and bacterial particles to keep the air pure and fresh.

Book today and for a limited time only we are offering a free Air-Con Deodoriser with every Air Con Service!

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What are the benefits of having you air-conditioning serviced?

  • Keeps you fresh, alert and safer,
  • Maintains the mechanical integrity of your system
  • Our fixed price air-conditioning service includes a system refresh

Why does it need to be serviced?

Your air-con system can lose up to 10 percent of its gas each year. Unless it is replaced the system will be less likely to keep you cool and refreshed.

What happens when its not serviced?

The system will continue to loose gas, become less efficient and cause increased fuel consumption. It will eventually fail and need replacement parts.

What do we do?

We drain and recharge the system, check hoses, filters and belt connections; and make sure compressor and condenser are working correctly.