Why Buy Nissan Genuine Parts At Specialist Cars Nissan 

Nissan has a reputation for performance and reliability. Not only do we stock an impressive array of new and used vehicles, they can also assist with servicing and parts. However, a lot of people are unsure whether to opt for genuine parts with their Nissan or go for a generic alternative. Today, we’ll look at some of the advantages of choosing genuine Nissan parts.

Highest safety standard

When you’re out on the road, you need to be confident that every part of your vehicle is working together to ensure your safety. With Nissan genuine parts, you can be confident that the replacement parts have gone through thousands of hours of rigorous testing to ensure that they comply with the high standards set by Nissan. This gives you peace of mind on the road as you can be confident that your new parts offer the safety standard that you’ve come to expect from Nissan.

Covered by warranty

With Nissan genuine parts, you have the confidence that you’ll be covered by the an attractive warranty. If you have genuine parts fitted by an Authorised Nissan Dealer when you purchase your new Nissan, you’re covered Nissan’s 1 year or 20,000km warranty or the balance of the New Vehicle Warranty – whichever is greater. If your purchase genuine parts at any other time, you’re covered by Nissan’s 1 year or 20,000km warranty. This means you can be confident that if there are issues with your parts after they’re fitted, they’re covered under warranty.

Tailored for your vehicle

One of the best aspects of choosing genuine parts is that they’ve been specifically designed to work perfectly with your Nissan vehicle. Rather than a generic alternative, your new Nissan part is tailored specifically for your vehicle. This means optimal performance from your vehicle, so remember to look for parts with Nissan logo!

Excellent for re-sale

Even if you’re not thinking of selling your Nissan any time soon, remember that from a re-sale perspective it’s a definite benefit if you’ve chosen genuine parts. It can help maintain the value of the car, which is more money for you when it comes to selling, and upgrading to that new Nissan you've had your eye on.

To find out more about the Nissan Parts and Accessories that we stock here at specialist Cars Nissan click here.