Nissan Sustainability

Nissan’s steps into sustainability include creating the Nissan Green Program (NGP) which was initially a strategy from 2017-2022 with clear goals to not only be compliant but to take steps towards reducing environmental dependence and impact to levels that nature can absorb.

The ultimate goal is to “manage the environmental impact caused by our operations and products to a level that can be absorbed by nature and pass on rich natural capital to future generations” and to do this they’ve chosen key areas to focus on: climate change, air quality, resource dependency, and water scarcity.

To reduce CO2 Nissan have focused on electrifying their range of consumer vehicles, improving manufacturing with more efficient equipment, and sourcing energy from renewable sources to power their operations. For air quality they have continuously worked on technologies to create improvements for cleaner burning of fuel, catalytic converters to reduce emissions, and ways to use evaporated gasoline from fuel tanks. This works alongside their efforts to create a circular economy for their products and materials and managing wastewater to reduce dependence on these resources.